Draft APM May 2023


Cllrs: Mrs Beth Hodgson, (Chair) Mrs E Murphy, Mr J Sharpe

Mr S Smith, Mrs L Carr

Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Email: clerklittlebytham@gmail.com.com

Draft Minutes of Lt Bytham Annual Parish Meeting 

 held at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 10th May 2023  

prior to the Annual Meeting of Lt Bytham Parish Council.  

The Meeting began at 7:30pm. Present were the members of the Parish Council and one members of the public, and the Parish Clerk.

1.0 To agree the Minutes of the 2022 Annual Parish Meeting.

Having previously been circulated to the Councillors, they were agreed unanimously.

2.0 Chairman’s Annual Report.

The Chairman thanked the Councillors for all their work during the year. The Chairman’s report will be posted on the notice board and PC Website.

3.0 District and County Councillors' Reports.  None.

4.0 Financial report for year ending 31st March 2023. 

The Clerk presented the Year End Statement for 2022-23. The Statement was agreed unanimously.

5.0 Electors’ concerns. None.

Date of the next meeting. May 2024 date to be confirmed.

Website: https://little-bytham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/


Little Bytham Parish Council – Chairperson’s Annual Report May 2023


All Parish Council meetings over the year 2022-2023 have been held face to face after the Pandemic Zoom meetings the previous year.

We have 5 Parish Councillors at present:

Chair: Beth Hodgson

Vice Chair: Elizabeth Murphy

Steve Smith, John Sharpe and Lisa Carr (who is our new member and was officially voted unanimously onto to the PC at our last meeting in March). There were 3 resignations since the last AGM.

Another Parishioner has expressed an interest.

Both Steve Smith and John Sharpe are long standing members of the Parish Council, and we are very grateful for their experience and knowledge.

Chris Hatch is our experienced Clerk who also works as Clerk for two other local Parish Councils.

The Parish Council has been very well supported by Councillor Penny Robins.

Main issues and interests dealt with during the year

  • Planning -  Three planning applications caused concern to Parishioners

S22/1108 and S22/1464, which were refused and S21/1710 which was approved conditionally.

Other planning applications were not contested.

  • Parish Council Rooms and Damaged Wall – The Parish Council Rooms had become a ‘dumping ground’ and an area for storage and had become very untidy and unusable. The rooms were assessed by two Cllrs who then contacted the people concerned. The unused Girl Guide equipment was mostly removed. This is still an ongoing matter.

         The damaged wall was caused by a passing tractor and this was followed up with an insurance claim and quotations. The work is yet to be started.

  • Bythams School – In April 2021 the Government Department for Education published a revised core criteria for effective Systematic Synthetic Phonics teaching programme (SSP). Laura Martin, the Head Teacher at Bythams School, asked for help in funding the School’s Phonics and Reading Programme which would cover the Government’s requirement. There was a unanimous vote by the PCs to pay the extra needed for this important programme for the school. Clerk, Chris Hatch visited the school and Cllr Beth Hodgson has arranged a follow up visit at the beginning of June to view the programme in action.
  • Dog Fouling – There had been several complaints by Parishioners about the continued problem with dog fouling, particularly in Church Lane. After discussions there was a unanimous vote in favour of buying a bin, to be fitted in Church Lane. This is yet to be purchased as there are still discussions about the regularly emptying of the bin.
  • Highways – Speeding has been a long-term issue through the High Street and up to Creeton. The Speed Signs purchased by the PC are now back in use.
  • The Spinney – Dr Chandler attended a PC meeting and gave a very detailed presentation about the future of the Spinney. The PC confirmed their continued support for the Spinney and their funding activities.
  • Finances – Our finances are shown in the financial statement, and they remain in a healthy state.

4th May 2023

Beth Hodgson

Chairperson, Little Bytham Parish Council


Little Bytham  Parish Council


Income and Expenditure Account for the financial period 1/4/2022 - 31/03/2023




Covid Grant










Opening Balance



Covid Grabt B-F







Zurich Insurance



Credit Chubb Fire & Safty









Clerk's Salary



Clerk's Expenses



Bytham Community Shop






Other Expenses



Byham Primary School









Bank Charges / interest





Surplus / (Deficit)






Total Surplus / (Deficit)



