July 2030


Cllrs: Mrs Beth Hodgson, (Chair), Mr J Sharpe 

Mr S Smith, Mrs L Carr, Mr R Hoyles.

Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Email: clerklittlebytham@gmail.com.com

Draft Minutes of Lt Bytham PC Meeting 6th July 2023 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Chairperson for the meeting Cllr J Sharp.

1.0Public Forum (15 minutes maximum) Nine residents attended the Public Forum, they raised concerns relating to planning application S23/0764, a new dwelling in New Estate. Cllr Penny Robins was able to answer questions and reassure those concerned, no decisions had been made yet and she would keep the PC informed. Residents raised other concerns, Cllr Robins asked that they be emailed to her, enabling her to investigate and feed back to individuals concerned.

The Treasurer of the Village Hall provided the Councillors with an overview of VH finances, he is seeking a more formal agreement with the PC for financial support. The Clerk suggested this be added to the agenda for a following meeting, allowing the issue can be fully discussed.

2.0Apologies for Absence. Were received from Cllr Hodgson and Cllr Smith.

3.0To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None.

4.0Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 10th May 2023 to be approved as the Minutes. Having been circulated, these were approved unanimously.

4.1Matters arising: The Clerk confirmed reporting the issue of parking at the junction of High Street and Station Road to Highways, he also provided the Councillors with a “Polite Notice” to be hand delivered to residents in the immediate area, asking them to park with courtesy and consideration for others. The Clerk reported, he had sent an email to Gareth Davies MP, advising him of the ongoing problem of pollution and foul smell emanating from the Anglian Water discharge into the river. The email included test information provided by the local River Warden. Finally, the Clerk advised the PC, the builder who had quoted to repair/rebuild the wall in front of the Parish Room is unable to undertake the work due to insurance issues. The Clerk will discuss with Zurich Insurance and pursue other quotes.

Councillors’ and Clerk’s reports:

5.1 County and District Councillors’ Reports. SKDC Cllr Robins provided some useful information relating to the Cost-of-Living crisis, the details of which are listed below.

SKDC have an online cost of living advice site which can be found at www.southkesteven.gov.uk/costofliving They provide support and advice on:

  • Identifying debts and potential debt strategies and refer to specialist debt support.
  • Complete income and expenditure assessments to access Government initiatives.
  • Work with third sector organisations to help the vulnerable 
  • Household budgeting, money management and welfare benefits
  • Assisting residents to maximise their income by fully claiming benefits that are due.

 Information on the site also includes energy saving, financial support, health, and wellbeing. Support for older people and grants available to organisations.

5.2 Councillors Reports. None.

6.0 Financial Matters

6.1 Financial report: position at bank. The Clerk provided the accounts to date, these were accepted unanimously. 

6.2 To resolve to pay the following: Clerks Salary & Expenses £312.79. As signatories were not in attendance, this will be signed at the next meeting.

8.0 Highways. None

9.0 Planning applications – 

9.1 S23/0764 Mr and Mrs James and Mandy Hodgkin, Erection of a dwelling. 1 New Estate, Little Bytham, Lincolnshire, NG33 4QL, Full Planning Permission. Circulated to PC. (Representation by LBPC to SKDC Planning).

9.2 S23/0892 Mr Chris Johnson, change of use of land from agricultural to camping site, including the siting of six glamping pods, associated parking, refuse and recycling facilities, a bike store, and wheelbarrow storage. Glebe Farm, Little Bytham Road, Little Bytham, Lincolnshire, NG33 4QN. Full Planning Permission. Circulated to PC. (No action by PC).

10.0 Correspondence – 

10.1 Joanna Espin email received re planning app S23/0764. (Discussed in Public Forum)

10.2 The Clerk confirmed receipt of an email from Cllr Murphy who has resigned from the Parish Council. Cllr Murphy was a valued member of the Parish Council; her contribution will be missed.

10.3 Email circulated by Cllr Hodgson.

Visit to The Bythams School 8th June 2023

In the academic year of 2021/2022 the government made it compulsory that all primary schools must have asystematic synthetic phonics programme (ssp).

This can be an approved government programme or a programme that the school have to prove is meeting the criteria.

Laura Martin, the Head Teacher at the Bythams School, had contacted Little Bytham Parish Council for help in funding their chosen ssp, Read, Write Inc. which is a government approved programme. It was unanimously agreed that the PC would donate the £4,500; the short fall that was necessary to purchase the resources needed to ensure the programme was run effectively.

I arranged to visit the school on 8th June to observe the Read, Write Inc. lessons in progress across EYSF & KS1. I was also shown around the school to observe all the resources and how they were used for groups and individual children. Laura was very keen to show me evidence of how this has not only improved the reading and writing within the school but also contributed to the children’s enjoyment of reading. I observed children reading for pleasure as well as using books for information and reference. I observed very skilfully trained adults taking small groups. The pupils were using phonics and reading skills expertly in EYFS groups and I observed the progression all through the school. I was able to see written work from EYFS up to Y6, that was displayed around the school and I was greatly impressed.

After the observations I sat with Laura and she spoke proudly about how the pupils were progressing at a much faster pace. The new skills were evident in their writing and also in their choosing of books. She showed me the many bookcases filled with exciting, colourful, relevant stories and topics that they were able to purchase with money LBPC donated. These were displayed in different age ranges and levels so that children could be independent in their choosing of books.

I felt very proud that Little Bytham Parish Council had helped fund a programme and the resources that made such a positive difference in our local children’s education.

Beth Hodgson


11.0 AOB None.

12.0 Date of next Meeting – Tuesday 31st August 2023.

Website: https://little-bytham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/