Draft March 2025


Cllrs: Mrs Beth Hodgson, (Chair) Mr J Sharpe

Mr S Smith, Mr J Hodgkin, Mr R Hoyles.

Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Email: clerklittlebytham@gmail.com.com

Draft Minutes of Lt Bytham PC Meeting 6th March 2025 7.30pm in the Village Hall

  1. Public Forum (15 minutes maximum) Two members of the public attended the forum, but did not make a comment.
  2. Apologies for Absence. Apologies were received from Cllr Hoyles.
  3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None.
  4. Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 2nd January 2025 to be approved as the Minutes.
    1. Matters arising: .Cllr Smith advised he has made some headway with Community Asset Order regarding the Willoughby Arm’s but it was felt that a direct approach to the owners maybe more appropriate , Cllr Penny Robins will make enquiries to obtain contact details of the owner.
  5. Councillors’ and Clerk’s reports:
    1. County and District Councillors’ Reports. Cllr Robins provided the Councillors with her report, a precis of which is below.

Firstly, may I congratulate Rasell’s Nurseries Little Bytham in picking up the best Garden Centre at the Rutland and Stamford’s Favourite Independent Business Awards. Also winning a category for best Butchers was Mill Farm in Manthorpe and the final award representing the Glen Ward went to the Bytham Community Shop in Castle Bytham who secured the runner up spot. What talented people I have the pleasure to be representing. I wish all of them further success from all the positive publicity. Well done to every entrant.

On a District level.

      South Kesteven Conservatives did not support rising the council tax by the maximum allowed under government guidance and

      increasing social housing rents by 2.7% next financial year. South Kesteven administration approved maximum increases in

      council tax and above inflation increases in fees / charges.

Plans to roll out Food Waste across the district were confirmed and should start in April 2026. South Kesteven Conservatives argued against starting a food waste program on Easter weekend after the chaos of the purple bin roll out in 2024.

Multiple censure notices for breaches in the council code of conduct for bringing the council into disrepute were published against the chair of Governance and Audit and one other member of the administration who remain in post.

Conservatives proposed and secured support for a boost to the flood alleviation reserve by £100,000. 

The South Kesteven Administration proposed breaking up Lincolnshire by suggesting a devolved authority of Rutland, Melton, South Kesteven and South Holland. The Conservatives argued that this would result in significant increases in costs and would not be allowed by the government devolution framework. Conservatives would work for whatever is best for the residents.

The 2-year Conservative Party campaign to get South Kesteven to collect litter on the A1 verges (which is the responsibility of SKDC) supported by Alecia Kearns MP yielded results after the council agreed to start collection in March.

Fees and charges were sent out for consultation with most charges rising by inflation. Green Bin charges will increase above inflation by £2 per bin to increase from the next financial year.

      Cllr Penny Robins


5.2 Councillors Reports. Cllr Hodgkin raised his concerns that Highways has again refused to reduce the speed limit between the Spinney and the entrance to the village to 30mph. Cllr Robins will liaise will LCC Cllr Vernon who will campaign on behalf of LBPC.

6.0 Financial Matters

6.1 Financial report: position at bank. The Clerk provided the PC accounts to date, these were approved unanimously.

6.2 To resolve to pay the following: Clerks Salary £322.92. Lt Bytham Primary School Maths Program £210.00.

These were agreed and signed.

7.0 PC Meetings for 2025/26 After discussion, it was agreed to reduce the number of meetings to four per year.

These will be held on

May 1st, August 7th, November 6th and February 5th, 2026. EGM’s will be help as required.

8.0 Highways. No issues reported.

9.0 Planning applications – None received.

10.0 Correspondence

10.1 Correspondence from PC to Creeton Quary plus response. The Clerk confirmed receipt of a response from Creeton Quarry, they confirmed they have posted signs on the way bridge and emailed the haulage companies requesting all drivers observe a 20mph limit when traveling through Little Bytham.

10.2 Email received from Mr Howard. Re the ongoing issue of the lamppost covered in ivy. The Clerk will speak with Western Power again to ascertain when the repairs will be completed.

10.3 Email received from GeoSmart re Flooding in Lt Bytham. Following on from Geo Smart visiting residents affected by the recent flooding, the Councillors discussed the root cause of the flooding and how it can be resolved. Cllr Hodgkin and Cllr Smith will contact the Department of Environment and the River Authorities and arrange a site visit to discuss what needs to be done to achieve a long term solution.

11.0 Other Items for discussion.

The Parish Council and the Village Hall have agreed to host a Defibrillator Training event, this will be held at the village hall. Cllr Hodgson is liaising with the training company. As soon as a date is set, the Chairman of the VH will advertise the training, It is hoped many local residents will attend.

Cllr Hodgson advised the Councillors; she attended a special maths activity morning at Lt Bytham Primary School. The session was provided by Subject Revolution and funded by the Parish Council. (Covid Grant).

Cllr Hodgson’s brief report of the activity morning:

The school hall was transformed into an exciting ‘Escape Room’ activity. The organiser explained to the children that their school was in danger from aliens, and they had to complete maths tasks to save the school A short video was played showing the aliens’ spaceship above their school. The children were then divided into 6 groups and the only way they could complete the tasks was by using their mathematical knowledge and working collaboratively within their groups to work out the answers.

The children were totally absorbed throughout the whole adventure. Each task was timed and once the children had completed the last task, they had to agree on the code they had created from all the answers. At the end they fed the task into a ‘machine’ and then a video appeared and showed the alien aircraft above the school being blown up.

12.0 Date of next Meeting – Thursday1st May 2025.

Website: https://little-bytham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/