January 2025

Cllrs: Mrs Beth Hodgson, (Chair) Mr J Sharpe

Mr S Smith, Mr J Hodgkin, Mr R Hoyles.

Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Email: clerklittlebytham@gmail.com.com

Draft Minutes of Lt Bytham PC Meeting 2nd January 2025 7.30pm in the Village Hall

  1. Public Forum (15 minutes maximum) One resident attended the public forum. He advised the Councillors; the church has commissioned Bytham Trees to deal with a large tree in the churchyard. The resident also raised concerns regarding the deteriorating condition of the church wall, which he believed to be caused by traffic pollution.
  2. Apologies for Absence. Apologies were received from Cllr Hodgson and Cllr Hodgkin.
  3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None declared.
  4. Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 5th September 2024 to be approved as the Minutes. Having been previously circulated, the minutes were approved unanimously.
    1. Matters arising: None.
  5. Councillors’ and Clerk’s reports:

5.1 County and District Councillors’ Reports. Having been contacted by Cllr Hodgson, Cllr Vernon assisted with flooding problem in station road. She contacted Highways/Anglian Water who pumped out the drain. A local resident also cut back an area of overgrown shrubbery in the immediate area. Cllr Vernon also provided a brief overview of the forthcoming mayoral elections.

5.2 Councillors Reports. Nothing from the PC.

6.0 Financial Matters

6.1 Financial report: position at bank. The Clerk provided the accounts year to date, these were accepted.

6.2 To resolve to pay the following: Children’s Christmas Party £175. Chubb Fire & Security £115.30. Poppy Day Wreath £20.00. Clerks Salary £322.92. LALC annual renewal £154.86. These were approved and signed.

6.3 Precept. 2025-26. The Clerk presented a year-to-date budget together with the anticipated spend to the end of the financial year.

 The Councillors recognised the fact that no precept was drawn down in 2022-23 and only 50% of the normal precept taken in 2023-24.

After discussion, the Councillors agreed to request a precept of just £2500, 59.5% of the historical norm.

7.0 Lt Bytham Allotment Society:

John Turner of the LB Allotment Society had contacted the PC asking if the society could use a small area of the Old Parish Room,

 enabling them to store Seeds, bulbs, and other items over winter. The allotment has become a much used and successful space for residents.

The PC agreed unanimously with the request.

8.0 Highways.

8.1 Reduced Speed Limits in the Village. Following the rejection of a previous request to reduce the speed limit to 30MPH

on the section of the B1176 which passes The Spinney, Cllr Vernon confirmed she had contacted Highways asking for the decision

 to be overturned in favour of the reduced speed. Highways confirmed that it did not meet their criteria and that the limits,

will remain as posted. Cllr Vernon will continue to support Lt Bytham and re visit this with highways.

Cllr Vernon suggested requesting volunteers for the Speed Watch program and sharing equipment and manpower with Castle Bytham.

The Clerk will contact Steve Johnson at Creeton Quarry requesting quarry lorries reduce speeds through local villages to 20mph.

8.2 Volume of Commercial and Agricultural vehicles. (Damage caused to roads and property). Cllr Hoyles provided photographs of lorries’ and

other vehicles traveling through the village, Cllr Vernon will present these to Highways, highlighting the problems.

9.0 Community asset Order. Cllr Smith provided a brief overview of the criteria CAO for the Willoughby Arms.

 It was agreed to discuss this in more detail at the next PC meeting.

10.0 Planning applications

10.1 S24/1491, Mr/Mrs Ebdon, The Cedars, Creeton Road, Little Bytham, Lincolnshire, NG33 4PT,

Removal of existing conservatory and new single storey rear extension. (Circulated to the PC).

10.2. S24/0788, Mr and Mrs Goring, The Firs, Kennels & Cattery, Creeton Road, Little Bytham, Lincolnshire,

Change of use and conversion and extension of existing kennels/cattery to form self-contained ancillary domestic annexe,

Full Planning Permission. (Circulated to the PC).

10.3 S24/1768, Mr & Mrs Pinner, Erection of single storey extension and internal alterations. Rectory Farmhouse Sheepdyke Lane, Little Bytham, Lincolnshire NG33 4QZ. (SKDC Planning Office Grants Planning Permission)

11.0 Bytham School Maths. Cllr Hodgson, having previously circulated an email prior to the meeting, the Councillors discussed a donation of £175 + VAT. for Little Bytham Primary School. The donation will enable a local Lt Bytham company, Revolution Maths and Reading; to visit the school, help boost the pupil’s maths through exciting interacting activities. It was agreed unanimously that the donation should come from the balance of the Covid Grant.

12.00 Correspondence.

The Clerk was advised of an email received by Cllr Hodgson, from a resident who raised concerns of inaccuracies or omissions in the September meeting minutes, under the heading, Public Forum. The Clerk raised these concerns with the Chief Executive of LALC, who confirmed, as the Public Forum is held prior to the Parish Council meeting, the only requirement is to list the number of parishioners attending, the PC may possibly but not necessarily bullet point any items raised in the session. The Councillors need not comment during the public forum, other than to thank a resident for his or her comments. If the PC feel a point is valid and may require further discussion, it can be added to the next meeting’s agenda.

As Clerk, I precis the minutes, including comments in the public forum.

13.0 Other items for discussion.

Due to busy lives and work commitments, PC meetings have not been able to take place. The Clerk suggested reducing meetings to four per year instead of six. The Councillors agreed to include this as an agenda item at the next PC meeting.

The Clerk confirmed his last meeting as Parish Clerk will be March 2025, he also advised he will provide all relevant documents to complete the annual audit to ensure a smooth handover.

Finaly, the Parish Council would like to acknowledge and thank the Turners for all they do for the village. They responded very quickly to the flooding on Station Rd yet again and helped solve the problem. Your support of the village is greatly appreciated.

14.0 Date of next Meeting – Tuesday 6th March 2025.

Website: https://little-bytham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/