Draft May APM


Cllrs: Mrs Beth Hodgson, (Chair), Mr J Sharpe

Mr S Smith, Mr R Hoyles.

Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Email: clerklittlebytham@gmail.com.com

Draft Minutes of Lt Bytham Annual Parish Meeting 

 held at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 2nd May 2024  

after the Annual Meeting of Lt Bytham Parish Council.  

1.0 To agree the Minutes of the 2023 Annual Parish Meeting.

Having previously been circulated to the Councillors, they were agreed unanimously.

2.0 Chairman’s Annual Report.

The Chairman thanked the Councillors for all their work during the year. The Chairman’s report will be posted on the notice board and PC Website.

3.0 District and County Councillors' Reports.  None.

4.0 Financial report for year ending 31st March 2024. 

The Clerk presented the Year End Statement for 2023-24. The Statement was agreed unanimously.

5.0 Electors’ concerns. No residents attended the meeting this year.

Date of the next meeting. May 2025 date to be confirmed.

Website: https://little-bytham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/ 

Little Bytham Parish Council – Chairperson’s Annual Report May 2024

Little Bytham Parish Council began the year with 5 Parish Councillors.

Chair: Beth Hodgson

Vice Chair: Elizabeth Murphy

Longstanding members: Steve Smith and John Sharpe

New member: Lisa Carr.

Ron Hoyles joined soon after the last AGM.

There were 2 resignations since the last AGM – Elizabeth Murphy and Lisa Carr. We thank them for all their hard work.

At the time of writing this report there are 4 members.

Chair: Beth Hodgson

Longstanding members: Steve Smith and John Sharpe

Ron Hoyles

Another Parishioner is expected to be voted in during the meeting.

Chris Hatch remains as our very experienced Clerk, whom we are very grateful to.

The Parish Council has been well supported by Councillors Penny Robins and Charlotte Vernon.

Main issues and interests dealt with during the year

Parish Council Room’s Damaged Wall: This has been resolved. Following the Clerk’s comments in the July PC meeting, a quote was received after it was published. The quote was accepted (as it was lower than the last quote). The grounds were also tidied within the quote.

Dog Waste Bin: This was bought with PC funds and has been erected by Councillor John Sharpe near to the bridge in Church Lane. John also empties it regularly. Our thanks go to him for taking this on.

Planning:  There have been a few planning applications that have had decisions in the last year. Only 1 was refused.

Bythams’ Primary School: Councillor Beth Hodgson visited the school to observe Literacy lessons after the Literacy scheme (partly funded by LBPC) was up and running. Having been a Head Teacher, Beth was extremely impressed with how the scheme had already made a noticeable positive difference to the children’s learning throughout the school.

The Spinney: After Dr Chandler’s presentation, LBPCs agreed to financially support the much needed work to the Spinney. There was a pre-opening ceremony and the Spinney will be opened officially very soon.

Glenside News: Alan Gilmore, editor of the Glenside News, gave a presentation explaining the shortfall each year for the local magazine. LBPCs agreed to a contribution of £700.This will be reviewed yearly.

Village Hall Funding: Following on from Peter Bayer’s presentation, LBPCs agreed to increase their annual contribution to £1000.

Defibrillator: This has been an ongoing concern after it was discovered that the Village Hall defib was not only defunct, but it was registered on ‘defibfinder.uk’ at Castle Bytham Village Hall, not Little Bytham Village Hall. Councillor Hodgson took over as ‘guardian’ of the defib but it couldn’t be re-registered until it was repaired. A new battery was going to cost £3000 but a Parishioner kindly donated a new defib. This is now in the defibrillator box at the Village Hall and in working order. It has now been re-registered on defibfinder.uk at the correct address.

The code for the defib is 0159 and it was agreed at the last PC meeting that the code should be displayed on the defib box so that, in an emergency situation, it would cut out the need for the phone call to obtain the code.

Public Attendance at PC meetings: it has been noted that there has been a pleasing increase in Parishioners attending the public forum and showing an interest in the Parish Council business; thank you.

Finances: The LBPC’s finances are shown in the financial statement, and they remain in a healthy state.


29th April 2024

Beth Hodgson

Chair of Little Bytham Parish Council