Cllrs: Mrs Beth Hodgson, (Chair) Mr J Sharpe

Mr S Smith, Mr R Hoyles.

Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Email:

Draft Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Lt Bytham PC 2nd May 2024 7.00pm in the Village Hall

  1. Appointment of Chairman for 2024-25. Cllr Hodgson volunteered her services as Chair person for 2024-25 which was accepted unanimously.
  2. Apologies for Absence. Received from Cllr Smith.
  3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. Cllr Hoyles expressed his interest in item 9 of the agenda.
  4. Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 7th March 2024 to be approved as the Minutes. Having been previously circulated, the Minutes were approved unanimously.
  5. Matters arising: None.
  6. Co-Option of new Parish Councillor: Having been previously circulated, an application to join the Parish Council from Mr J Hodgkin was considered. After discussion Cllr Hoyles proposed acceptance of the application which was seconded by Cllr Sharp. The Clerk will contact Mr Hodgkin with the appropriate acceptance forms.
  7. Councillors’ and Clerk’s reports:

7.1 County and District Councillors’ Reports. County and District Councillors were not in attendance.

7.2 Councillors Reports. Cllr Sharp advised the placement of the Dog Waste bin in Church Lane is in regular use by dog walkers, he requested another bin be purchased and sited in a second location in Church Lane. Cllr Sharp will continue to empty the bins on a weekly basis. This was proposed by Cllr Hodgson and seconded by Cllr Hoyles. The Clerk will contact the supplier and place the order.

8.0 Financial Matters

8.1 Annual Governance Statement: The Clerk, having confirmed the Parish Council have an income of less than

 £25000, are exempt from a full audit. The Clerk presented the AGAR forms which were accepted and signed by the Chair,

The Clerk will forward the completed forms to the National Auditors.

8.2 Financial report: position at bank. The Clerk presented the PC accounts to date which were accepted by the

 Councillors present.

9.0 Highways. Update, Junction of Station Road & High Street. Having expressed his interest in item 9 on the agenda

 Cllr Hoyles joined the area for the public attending. Mr Hoyles advised the Councillors of his progress gathering

 signatures for a petition to prevent the large heavy lorries turning from the High Road into Station Road.

He advised the lorries are now so long they have great difficulty turning especially if vehicles are parked close to the junction.

Once the petition is completed it will be sent to Highways and the Secretary of State for Transport. The Councillors thanked Mr Hoyles for his presentation, he then re-joined the Councillors to continue the meeting.

10.0 Planning applications

10.1 S23/1883, Mr James Hodgkin, Submission of details in relation to conditions 4 (surface and foul water drainage), 5 (biodiversity mitigation) and 6 (contamination) of S21/1710 (Outline planning permission - for the erection of eight dwellings (all matters reserved). (submitted details are acceptable by SKDC Planning 11th March 2024)

10.2 S23/1902, Mr James Hodgkin, Application for reserved matters relating to layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access, for the erection of 8 dwellings following outline planning permission S21/1710. (SKDC Planning Approves Reserved Matters 18th March 2024)

11.0 Correspondence: Email received from Mr Pye, re 30-60 mph signs around the Spinny. The Councillors confirmed this topic has been discussed at previous meetings, the Councillors asked the Clerk to speak with Highways again to seek a resolution to this issue.

12.0 AOB

13.0 Date of next Meeting – Wednesday 3rd July 2024 @ 7.30pm
