Draft September 2024


Cllrs: Mrs Beth Hodgson, (Chair) Mr J Sharpe

Mr S Smith, Mr J Hodgkin, Mr R Hoyles.

Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Email: clerklittlebytham@gmail.com.com

Draft Minutes of Lt Bytham PC Meeting 5th September 2024 7.30pm in the Village Hall

  1. Public Forum (15 minutes maximum) Several residents attended the Public Forum. A parishioner asked Penny Robins if a member of SKDC could ‘walk the village’. Cllr Robins commented that she had just sorted another village’s traffic problems through the parishioners completing video footage and that she would be happy to use the footage that a Little Bytham parishioners had already completed along with the photos taken.

Another resident raised concerns over the speed of lorries and tractors and the size of loads, Cllr Sharpe and Cllr Hodgkin advised that tractors and lorries are unable to travel down the High Street over 30 miles an hour but can sound fast due to empty trailers. Also, Cllr Hodgkin carried out a short risk assessment a few days after the meeting and suggested the church trees may need pruning.

A resident also spoke about adopting a 20mph limit through the village. Cllr Hodgkin believes the issue is where the existing 30mph limits are situated. He suggested the limits are moved down past the sewage works and that the 60mph limit between the village and past the Spinney should be disposed of and a new 30mph limit should be in place.

Jackie Murray, River Warden, had concerns on the procedures the Environmental Agency had performed during their maintenance duties on the river. She has made an official complaint to the agency and has a reference number of EA 2303291. The PC thought the best way to initially challenge this would be to get a copy of the works RAMS, as we believe the errors to be possibly employee-based errors. The PC would like to think that EA wouldn’t allow the destruction of moor hen nests.

Cllr Smith suggested, once Jackie’s finding were complete, the PC would also challenge the EA.

Jackie also announced that Anglian Water has been upgrading the sewage works and tests show that the level of potassium in the Glen had a pleasing result.

 A long discussion with Cllr Robins and the Parish Councillors continued after the lengthy 35-minute Forum and Cllr Robins confirmed, she will follow up with Highways as soon as she receives the evidence already taken by parishioners. She also suggested a 2 day a week tally of lorries on different days would be useful.

  1. Apologies for Absence. Apologies were received from Cllr Hoyles and Chris Hatch (Parrish Clerk)
  2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None.
  3. Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 3rd of July 2024 to be approved as the Minutes. Having been previously circulated, the minutes were approved unanimously.
    1. Matters arising: There were no matters arising.
  4. Councillors’ and Clerk’s reports:

5.1 County and District Councillors’ Reports. Cllr Penny Robins attended the meeting, however, there was nothing to report from SKDC.

5.2 Councillors Reports. None

6.0 Financial Matters

6.1 Financial report: position at bank. Having been previously circulated, the accounts were approved unanimously.

6.2 To resolve to pay the following: Clerks Salary & Expenses £322.92. St Medard’s PCC £300 (Grass cutting donation).

Glasdon LTD £268.90 (New Dog Waste Bin).

Cheques for St Medard’s and Glasdon Ltd had been previously agreed and signed at the Clerks house to prevent any

further delay. Due to the Clerks absence at the meeting; the cheque for the Clerk will be signed at a later date.

8.0 Highways. ‘Although the Clerk was unable to attend the meeting, due to the detailed discussion with Cllr Penny

Robins after the Public Forum on the matters raised, the Clerk will liaise directly with Cllr Robins and Highways

regarding the concerns raised by residents.’

9.0 Planning applications – No application received since the previous meeting.

10.0 Correspondence – None

11.0 AOB. Cllr Hodgson said that British Heart Foundation and The Circuit National Defibrillator Network had been in touch for an update on Little Bytham’s defibrillator. Cllr Hodgson and Cllr Hodgkin completed all the checks needed. Cllr Hodgson updated the forms online to both companies.

Cllr Sharpe raised an issue regarding Anglian Water breather pipes being broken in his hedge, Cllr Sharpe will take pictures so this can be passed to Anglian Water.

12.0 Date of next Meeting – Thursday 7th of November 2024.

Website: https://little-bytham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/