January 2020

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 

Held at 7.30pm on 09/01/2020 in Little Bytham Village Hall

Present: Mr P Inskip (Chair), Mrs E Inskip (Clerk), Mrs S Fraser, Mr F Hughes, Mr G Lohmann-Bond, Mrs S Mcfarland, Mr J Sharpe, County Councillor Mr B Adams,

Apologies: Mr S Smith, District Councillor Mr C Benn

Chair’s Introduction: Cllr Inskip welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum: One member of the public was present at the meeting to discuss the issues they are experiencing due to Anglian Water (details available on request), and to voice their concern of the impact any further development in the surrounding villages could have in exacerbating the problem.

Cllr Inskip thanked the parishioner for attending and the public forum was brought to a close.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 07/11/2019 were presented and approved.

Actions from Matters arising from the public forum of the previous meeting:

• Community shop: Cllr Fraser wrote a letter regarding this. Permission has been granted and the shop representatives believe that it will have very little impact on the existing business in Little Bytham. No further Action.

• Rubbish on Church Lane: Cllr Fraser is still awaiting the details regarding this before being able to carry it forward.

• Footbridges: Cllr Adams will chase this and therefore it is carried forward. (BA)

• Vehicle issues: Clerk Inskip has been in touch with the parishioner, the Road Safety Manager .and LCC Highways manager. The conclusion is that Highways will visit Little Bytham and assess what LB has already in terms of warning signs etc and ensure they are sufficient; they will also look to add road markings where needed. Cllr Adams has agreed to speak with highways to see where we are with this. (BA)

• Lorries in the village: Cllr Hughes stated that he will survey the lorries coming through the village in the next couple of months, potentially manually recording the lorries one morning and correlating it to the speed data from the SID’s. Cllr Sharpe reminded Cllr’s that this was the only route for lorries to utilise from the quarry as Castle Bytham do not allow them. It was agreed that reducing the speed of the lorries was the first option as unless there is a TRO restriction, lorries are entitled to use A or B roads. Data is required for this. If names are captured, County Cllr Adams will speak to the companies. County Cllr Adams has agreed to work with Cllr Hughes regarding this matter. (FH & BA)

Actions from Matters arising from previous minutes:

1. Anglian Water: Cllr Fraser wrote again to Anglian Water after LBPC was informed of the planning application for additional houses in Castle Bytham, their response was inadequate and merely stated that all was fine. Cllr Fraser will keep up communications with Anglian Water and County Cllr Adams will talk to Mr P Skinner who now heads up the flood risk and water management committee. Clerk Inskip will send the notes from the public forum to County Cllr Adams as he was not present at the start of the meeting. (SF & BA).

2. Pathway to Spinney: District Cllr Benn had been contacted to let him know that although it was great that the work had been started, more was required. As District Cllr Benn was not present at the meeting this is carried forward. (CB)

3. Two Safety Mirror Location: It was agreed that just one mirror is to be potentially erected at present. (JS)

4. Health and Safety: Cllr Fraser will forward this to the Clerk and all Cllrs to peruse, this is to be carried forward. (SF)

5. Energy Campaign: (Cllr Hughes again stated that he has an interest in this topic). This is a group that wish to lobby Government and are looking for support from Parish Councils to do this by supporting a bill. Cllr Hughes has sent further details out to all Cllr’s in an email. Cllr’s agreed that the information should be read, and the topic should be kept under review, but no further action is required from the Parish Council at this time. (No further action)

6. Overgrown land: Cllr Sharpe spoke with the tenant and it was confirmed to him that they had dropped out of the footpath scheme and therefore the signs need to be removed as this was no longer a footpath. (No further Action)

7. Bank update: Cllr Sharpe and Cllr Hughes are required to go into the bank with ID. Once this has been done, all paperwork can be returned including the paperwork to remove existing signatories no longer on the Parish Council. (JS, FH, SF)

8. Plantlife.love-wildflowers.org road verge campaign: Cllr Lohmann Bond confirmed that to participate involves a shift in the management of the area designated including the timings of the cuttings. Cllr Lohmann-Bond felt that the area between the school and Glen Close lends itself very well to this campaign. It was discussed about the need to be careful with what was planted to avoid over population, Cllr Lohmann-Bond will discuss further with plant life. County Cllr Adams informed the PC that in the Future, there may be a wild flower planting scheme. Cllr Lohmann-Bond will be the point of contact for this. (GL ongoing)

9. White entrance gates: Clerk Inskip showed some pictures of White Gates to Cllrs. Clerk Inskip stated that these would be a minimum of £356,plus VAT, installation and signage. It was agreed by all Cllrs that other alternatives should also be looked into, with fail safe mechanisms and possibly planters instead. (Ongoing EI)

Finance (as of 12/12/2019):

Current Account Balance: £7609.05

Savings Account Balance: £254.69


1. Application No: S19/0234: permitted with conditions, sent to all councillors on 15th November 2019.

Other Matters: .

1. Speed Survey: Clerk Inskip mentioned that she had seen that a speed survey was to be actioned in Little Bytham. No Cllr’s were aware of this. County Councillor Adams confirmed that this was the case for evidence gathering purposes. Clerk Inskip agreed for her details to be given to the appropriate body to liaise regarding this.

2. Castle Bytham Quarry Development: Clerk Inskip & Cllr Inskip updated Cllr’s on what they had discovered to date in the many applications for this site and how they would impact Little Bytham. LBPC feel that the scale of this development is unacceptable based on the knock-on effect it would have on Little Bytham’s infrastructure, schooling and highways issues. Cllr Fraser will attend the meeting regarding this development and Clerk Inskip will write another objection on the planning site (in addition to the one already written on 24.12.2019). (EI & SF)

3. Precept: Budget discussed and agreed by all Cllr’s. Clerk Inskip will send Little Bytham’s precept requirements to the correct department. (EI)

4. Footpaths: County Cllr reminded Little Bytham Cllr’s that they need to read and fill in the survey regarding the rights of way improvement plan. This was sent to Cllrs on 19th December. Clerk Inskip will re send this and any Cllr’s that have not filled the survey in will do so. (All Cllr’s)

5. Brief update on County and District information.

6. Letter from parishioner: Clerk Inskip shared a letter that she had received regarding potentially dangerous parking on a grass verge, obstructing drivers’ views. This has been forwarded to County Cllr Adams and District Cllr Benn to get their assistance. (BA & CB)

7. Potential planning application: The developer attending the last meeting has contacted Cllr Fraser. Cllr Fraser informed the developer that the PC are unable to comment on any pre applications.

Cheques signed:

£15.82 cheque to E Inskip for the purchase of paper.

Cheques signed prior to meeting:

1. £20 Cheque to S Robinson for the purchase of a village Remembrance Wreath

2. £97 Cheque to H Kieran for a contribution to Little Bytham Children’s Party.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday March 5th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.