Nonenber 2019
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting
Held at 7.30pm on 07/11/2019 in Little Bytham Village Hall
Present: Mrs S Fraser (Chair), Mrs E Inskip (Clerk), Mr F Hughes, Mr P Inskip, Mr G Lohmann-Bond, Mrs S Mcfarland, Mr J Sharpe, County Councillor Mr B Adams, District Councillor Mr C Benn
Apologies: Mr S Smith
Chair’s Introduction: Cllr Fraser welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Public Forum: 6 members of the public were present at the meeting. The following was discussed in the public forum.
• Wreath: Cllr Fraser and Cllr Mcfarland will sign the card on the wreath and represent the Parish Council at the Remembrance service.
• Community shop: A parishioner raised concerns about the impact the café which was not on the original plans for the community shop will have on an existing business in Little Bytham. Cllr Fraser will write to the community shop representatives to raise this.
• Midsummer festival: Castle Bytham have asked for a representative from Little Bytham to sit on the committee.
• Footpath from Little Bytham to Castle Bytham: A parishioner asked that this be considered as there are certain sections that are dangerous to walk on between the villages. It was confirmed by County Cllr Adams that this has been previously requested but the funding just is not available for this. It has not been forgotten however and is on the list.
• Rubbish on Church Lane: It was brought to the attention of the Parish Council.that garden waste is being deposited in and around the river. If this is correct this can cause a serious issue if potential chemicals from this waste get into the river. Cllr Fraser will be report this to the Environment Agency via their web site to be investigated.
• Footbridges: It was reported that the footbridges over the river when wet are a slip hazard. Chicken wire can not be used as this is too sharp for dogs. The Sheepdyke bridge is not such an issue as it is grooved however the Church Lane bridge is more of a concern. It was questioned if highways owned the river, and ownership needs to be established.
• Vehicle issues: A parishioner has recently had a vehicle hit their property, which has left a large hole in their property. The vehicle did not stop. This is the 3rd time this has happened in the last two years. It was asked if indeed there should be two lorries passing there…what are the minimum road widths. Another parishioner mentioned that only a few days earlier a lorry had had to mount the pavement whilst driving as they could not pass safely. Furthermore, previously a coach and lorry had tried to pass and the coach windows were all smashed. It is also of concern that one of the houses in that area has a front door which opens directly onto the road. The parishioner asked if chevrons could be painted or some form of traffic flow put into place. County Cllr Adams will take this up with the Road Safety Partnership.
• Lorries in the village: It was mentioned again about the lorries speeding through the village. Most lorries are going so quickly that their details cannot be taken, however three names were mentioned, Maynell’s, Halbrook and SAR. A parishioner also mentioned the sand that is deposited from the quarry onto Little Bythams roads. Cllr Hughes has agreed to look into this. (FH)
• Potential Planning Application: A contractor was present to discuss a potential planning application for his client in Little Bytham. He wished to share his thoughts prior to any applications as he wants to work with the council. The parish council listened to the details, but made no comments at this stage.
Cllr Fraser then thanked everyone for attending the meeting and the public forum was brought to a close.
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 05/09/2019 were presented and approved.
Actions from Matters arising from previous minutes:
1. Speed Indicating Devices Progress update: Clerk Inskip has sent the cheque to purchase these and we are now awaiting confirmation as to when they will be erected. Cllr Hughes will then be in charge of the SIDs once they are operational, including charging the units, moving them around and analysing the data. (No further action at present).
2. Creeton/Swinstead road condition: Cllr Adams had nothing positive to report on this at present. (BA)
3. Traffic Regulation Orders and Speed limits update: Clerk Inskip has applied for the three TRO’s previously discussed. (No further action at present)
4. Anglian Water: Cllr Fraser will reply to the letter that she received as it was an unsatisfactory response. Cllrs will send the details of any complaints that have been made with refence details. (SF)
5. Wheelie Bin Stickers: Clerk Inskip has ordered more stickers as previously requested and will distribute these to Cllr Lohmann-Bond once received for him to continue giving out in the village. It was agreed that the stickers have been very well received by parishioners. (EI & GL)
6. Pathway to Spinney: District Cllr Benn updated the Cllr’s that the 30mph sections will be actioned but due to safety issues the 60 mph section will not be actioned. Clerk Inskip has written to ask where we go from here as that safety issue is one experienced by parishioners daily! Clerk Inskip will write to the Road Safety Partnership about this. (EI)
7. Two Safety Mirror Location: Clerk Inskip had purchased the mirrors as agreed and these were given to Cllr Sharpe to distribute. (JS)
8. road verge campaign: Carried Forward. (GL)
9. Japanese Knotweed issue: This was investigated and Tim Rassell confirmed that this was ivy and not Japanese knotweed. (No further action required)
Finance (as of 12/06/2019):
Current Account Balance: £8671.03
Savings Account Balance: £7652.82
Please note these figures will be substantially different at present date as several cheques have since been written, including one for £8346 for the SID’s.
1. Application No: S19/1307: Permitted with conditions, sent to all Cllr’s on 25th September.
2. Application No: S19/0234: Ongoing.
3. Application No: S19/1508: Permitted with conditions, sent to all Cllr’s on 7th November.
Other Matters:
1. HGV’s in the village: As previously mentioned County Cllr Adams stated the importance of getting the names and times of the offending vehicles.
2. Health and Safety: Cllr Fraser has a policy we can utilise. Cllr Fraser will forward this to the Clerk and all Cllrs to peruse. (SF)
3. Grantham Southern Relief Road: County Cllr Adams updated the Cllr’s. Phase 2 is underway. (No further action)
4. Complimentary Neighbourhood Planning Information: Clerk Inskip shared the information that County Cllr Adams had kindly passed on. County Cllr Adams also stated that this should be a committee made up of people outside the PC. The neighbourhood plan does need to be done though and this will be actioned next year..
5. Flood Action Campaign: Clerk Inskip explained that this is now not going ahead until after the election. (Carried forward once informed we can go ahead)
6. Energy Campaign: Cllr Hughes explained that Clerk Inskip had been sent information regarding this and had asked him to look into it. Cllr Hughes explained that he has researched this topic himself previously and declared a potential personal interest. Villages have been asked to endorse an energy campaign to support a Bill to deliver a mechanism to allow communities to generate power locally and provide it on a commercial basis. County Cllr Adams stated that SKDC have a very specific policy already in place regarding wind farms, so this should also be consulted. Cllr Hughes will look into this more to gain more information on this as although it is only a petition being signed at the moment, this could impact the village in the future if any support was offered now. (FH)
7. Question from parishioner: There is an area of land in the village completely overgrown and usable, that is believed to be a public footway. Cllr Sharpe will talk with the tenant of this land. (JS)
8. Bank update: Cllr Fraser has been transferred money from the savings account to the current account for the purchase of the SID’s, therefore only £250 remains in the savings account. Previous signatories have been taken off the account and Cllr Fraser asked Cllr Hughes and Cllr Sharpe to replace these previous signatories, which they agreed to and forms were completed for this. The bank account now has Cllr Inskip’s name and address on it, which he also agreed to. Cllr Fraser will send the forms to the bank to action these changes. (SF)
9. Spinney: Cllr Fraser explained that any Cllr was welcome to attend the Bythams woodland trust meeting on the 12th November. Cllr Lohmann-Bond stated he would try to attend this to represent the PC. (No further action)
10. Drains: Clerk Inskip shared the information she had read regarding problem drains and the reporting of them if they had not been cleared. Clerk Inskip asked for Cllr’s to let her know if they spotted any that needed reporting. Three drains were mentioned, two on St Medards Close and one at the end of Church Lane by the bridge. Clerk Inskip will report these. (EI)
11. Parish Room Gate: Cllr Mcfarland reported that this is an issue. It was discussed that the Parish room will be looked at in the New Year and decisions made on what to do with this area and building. (Carried forward to next year)
12. White entrance gates: County Cllr Adams spoke to the PC about erecting white gates on the entrances to the village. There is evidence that these are effective in slowing down the traffic. These would need to be purchased by the PC and Clerk Inskip will look into this. (EI)
Cheques signed:
1. £65.98 cheque to E Inskip for two road mirrors purchased for the village.
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday January 9th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.