March 2019

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting Held at 7.30pm on 07/03/2019 in Little Bytham Village Hall

Present: Mrs S Fraser (Chair), Mrs E Inskip (Clerk), Mr P Inskip, Mr G Lohmann-Bond, Mr S Smith, County Councillor Mr B Adams

Apologies: Mrs S Mcfarland, Mr C Tye, Mr J Sharpe

Chair’s Introduction: Cllr Fraser welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum: One member of the parish, Mr G Baldwin, was present on behalf of the PCC to request a contribution again from the Parish Council for the cutting of the church grass and maintenance in that area. Mr Baldwin explained that unfortunately they have had to pay for the church wall as it is deemed not part of the church building and no grants could be attained. Mr Baldwin is presently trying to access the terrier (a legal document) to explain boundaries. Cllr Adams will assist Mr Baldwin in any way he can. There are several other fund raising ideas in progress but a contribution from the Parish council would be gratefully received. Cllr Fraser explained that a contribution had already been factored into the budget for this year but that the Cllr’s would discuss this in the meeting.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 03/01/2019 were presented and approved.

Actions from Matters arising from previous minutes:

1. Speed Sign Progress: Cllr Smith stated that the application had been re submitted with a photo of the new location required and the map had also been changed accordingly. Cllr Smith will add to the application the request for wheelie bin stickers and signs. Cllr Adams will check the situation with the £40 fee as Cllr Smith is sure that this has already been paid. It was agreed by Cllr’s though that if this is the only thing holding up the application, another cheque will be written for this. (SS,BA)

2. Rural crime & speed Limits in the village: Carried Forward. (SF)

3. Parish Elections: All Cllr’s had received an email from Clerk Inskip explaining the election process and the timings of this. Cllr Inskip discussed the details of the meeting that she had attended in Bourne and explained that she had the nomination and information packs for any existing Cllr’s or other candidates wishing to stand. Clerk Inskip will contact LALC to obtain a Code of Conduct template.

Finance (as of 12/02/2019):

Current Account Balance: £7,228.93

Savings Account Balance: £7,641.39


Application No: S19/0234

Applicant: Mr A Knight Proposal: Removal of bund and fencing, erection of new fencing and erection of hobby workshop Location: 34 & 36 Station Road, Little Bytham, Grantham, NG33 4RA, App Type: Full Planning Permission

There were no objections from the Parish Council regarding this application.

Since the meeting the councillors views on this changed, please see attached email and details.

Other Matters:

1. Potholes: These continue to be reported. Cllr Adams asked Cllr Fraser to send a photo of the substandard work completed on Station Road, to ascertain who had completed this work. (SF & BA)

2. Parish Room: The gate is broken and there looks to be some areas of maintenance required on this building. Cllr Smith will access in the spring/summer time to see exactly what requires attention. (SS)

3. C Benn Apology: Cllr Fraser stated that an apology had now been given regarding the request for help from Mr Benn. All Cllr’s were satisfied by this. (No further action)

4. Citizen’s Advice request: An email requesting a contribution was read out by Cllr Fraser. The general consensus was that this request should not have been sent out to Parish Councils. Cllr’s agreed that no donation is to be given. (No further action)

5. Bourne CiCLE festival: Cllr Fraser has written and requested that the potholes need filling before this festival. Cllr Fraser will also request that the brownies make some bunting for this event. (No further action)

6. Traffic Regulation Orders: Clerk Inskip shared the email regarding TRO’s that she had received which would be of great interest to the Parish in order to try and get the speed limits within the village changed. Our point of contact for this would be Cllr Adams. Cllr Adams will thoroughly check this, to ensure we know exactly what can be requested and done. (BA)

7. Water treatment works: Cllr Fraser will write to the CEO of Anglian Water for clarification on the details of the water treatment works capacity and who feeds in to it. In particular clarification is needed to ensure that any new homes built in Castle Bytham will not adversely affect Little Bytham’s community.

8. Annual Parish Meeting: Clarification was sought from Cllr Adams regarding the contents of the APM to take place in May. Cllr Adams confirmed that the Annual Parish meeting is a public meeting in which Cllr’s explain what has been achieved in the year, and ask what parishioners would like to see achieved in the coming year. Finances are also discussed. Thus Little Bytham’s normal PC meeting will then take place after this, and an AGM for Cllr’s to reflect on the previous year and set the next years targets.

9. Contribution to the Church: It was agreed that a £500 contribution would be made.

Cheques signed

1. £450 cheque to Clerk for work done in previous 6 months.

2. £64.69 Cheque for items bought by Clerk…magnets, paper, ink, folders.

3. £134.40 cheque to LALC for Little Bytham’s annual subscription

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday May 9th at 7pm in the Village Hall, which will be the Annual Parish Council Meeting, followed by the Parish Council meeting and AGM.