September 2018

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting.

Held at 7.30pm on 06/09/2018 in Little Bytham Village Hall

Present: Mrs S Fraser (Chair), Mrs E Inskip (Clerk), Mr P Inskip, Mr G Lohmann-Bond, Mrs S Mcfarland, Mr J Sharpe, Mr C Tye, County Councillor Mr B Adams

Apologies: Mr S Smith, District Councillor Mr M Wilkins

Chair’s Introduction: Chair Mrs S Fraser welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum: 1 member of the public was present for the 10 minute open forum in order to give an update on the church wall.

1. Church Wall: There is a new start date of the 1st October, during which time half of the road will be closed and a provision for pedestrians made. This will be for a minimum of three weeks, and then reviewed. Mrs J Turner and Mr J Sharpe have kindly offered to let people park on their properties during this time. All living in the High Street will be notified and Gordon will be putting notices up and informing the Glenside. All councillors agreed that dates will also be put into the noticeboard and Cllr Inskip will put it onto the Parish Councils web site. (EI & PI)

The member of the public was thanked for joining and updating Cllr’s and left the meeting.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 05/07/2018 were presented and approved.

Actions from Matters arising as stated on the agenda:

1. Speed Sign Progress: County Cllr Adams will chase Mr D Mitchell as to where we are in the process. Cllr Smith will also update. Cllr’s were hopeful that by the next meeting we are able to order the camera. Cllr Sharpe will put up the signs in the village. (BA, SS, JS)

2. Dog Waste Bin: Clerk Inskip showed details of sourced bins and their prices. District Cllr Wilkins had emailed Clerk Inskip to say that SKDC will empty these. Three locations were chosen with the Green 35 Retriever chosen for 1 location and 2 small 25’s for the other 2 locations. Just the bins and post fixing kits would be required. These are to be ordered IF we get firm confirmation that they will be emptied. County Cllr Adams will clarify this. (BA, EI)

3. Specific e-mail addresses: Cllr Inskip, Cllr Lohmann-Bond and Cllr Fraser have now changed their email addresses to parish council specific ones. Cllr Fraser and Cllr Lohmann-Bond will inform Clerk Inskip and other Cllr’s of their new email address. All other Cllr’s agreed to do so if they felt it was necessary due to GDPR. No Further Action Required.

4. Community Emergency Plans: Cllr Fraser discussed the following option in the event of an emergency. The village will be sectioned off with each Cllr covering an area close to where they live. The Chair & Clerk will be contacted 1st with notices put onto the Church notice board, the Parish notice board and the Willoughby. Cllr Inskip will then put any details onto the website. The Cllrs will cover the following areas;

Cllr Inskip: St Medards and the New Estate.

Cllr Sharpe: Rectory, Avalon, Sheepdyke, Church Lane

Cllr Fraser: High Street even numbers

Cllr Tye: High Street odd numbers

Cllr Mcfarland: Station road from T junction to Rassells

Cllr Lohmann-Bond: Glen Close and Creeton Road

Cllr Smith: Station road from Witham Junction to Careby

All Cllr’s present agreed this plan.

Cllr Tye will also check to ensure the ambulance service is aware that we have a de-fib. (CT)

5. Bank Statements Update of Details: Carried forward. (SF)

6. New Village Noticeboard: Clerk Inskip showed all Cllr’s the quote. It was agreed to order the non solar option in Green. Cllr’s requested for it to be delivered (Cllr Fraser agreed to take delivery of this) and then the Cllr’s will sort installation when it arrives. Clerk Inskip will get the required 2 signatories for the deposit before the next meeting so that it can be ordered. All Cllr’s agreed. (EI)

7. Local Plan: Cllr Fraser informed Cllr’s that the meeting with other parishes was called off, but an overall plan is still going ahead. Thus, this item is carried forward. (SF)

8. Potholes: The general consensus was that these have mostly been done well. Cllr Fraser gave County Cllr Adams thanks from our Parish. (No further present action required)

9. Neighbourhood Plan: Again due to the meeting being postponed this item is carried forward. (SF)

inance (as of 12/07/2018):

Current Account Balance: £10,263.58

Savings Account Balance: £7,633.77

Cllr Lohmann-Bond questioned why there was so much in the accounts. Clerk Inskip & Cllr Fraser explained that this is money allotted for the notice board, the speed cameras and an amount needs to be maintained for the parish room which will need some work done on it. This will then see the amount of money in the accounts drop substantially.


None for Little Bytham.

Other Matters:

1. Wall by the Noticeboard: Cllr Fraser is speaking to a builder to get a quote on installation of the new noticeboard and fixing the wall at the same time.

Cheques signed:

All cheques on the agenda were signed and discussed.

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 8th November at