Notice of Co-option





There are currently 1 vacancie on the Council and having been through the prescribed procedure, no election has been requested.

The vacancies will therefore now be filled by the co-option process. 

Should anyone wish to be considered for these vacancies, they should apply in writing to the council at the address below, by no later than  29th of December 2022.

Section 79(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 provides that, unless disqualified, a person is qualified to be co-opted as a local councillor if they are over 18, a qualifying Commonwealth citizen or a Euronational on the day of their selection and:

  1. on that day he/she is and thereafter continues to be a local government elector for the area of the authority; or
  2. he/she has during the whole of the twelve months preceding that day occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in that area; or
  3. his/her principal or only place of work during that twelve months has been in that area; or
  4. he/she has during the whole of those twelve months resided in that area; or
  5. he/she has during the whole of those twelve months resided either in the parish or community or within three miles of it. 

Please contact the clerk by email if you require any additional information.


Signed:         Chris Hatch      Date 16th of June 2023

(Clerk and Proper Officer) 

Published: Thursday, 3rd November 2022