July 2024

Lt Bytham Parish Council

Cllrs: Mrs E Hodgson, (Chair), Mr J Sharpe (Vice Chair)

                 Mr S Smith, Mr R Hoyles.

Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Email: clerklittlebytham@gmail.com


A Meeting of Little Bytham Parish Council will take place at 7.30pm on Thursday 3rd July 2024 in the Village Hall.

Members of the public are welcome to attend



1.0 Public Forum (15 minutes maximum)
2.0 Apologies for Absence
3.0 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion.
4.0 Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 7th September 2021 to be approved as the Minutes.
4.1 Matters Arising.
5.0 Welcome Mr J Hodgkin to the Parish Council.
6.0 Completion of new DPI & Acceptance Forms.
7.0 Councillors’ and Clerk’s reports:

7.1 County and District Councillors’ Reports. 

7.2 Councillors Reports.

8.0 Financial Matters

8.1 Financial report: position at bank

8.2 Cheques to be signed:

9.0 Highways -

9.1 Planning applications – S24/0788, Mr and Mrs Goring, Conversion and extension of existing outbuilding to form self contained ancillary domestic annex.

The Firs, Kennels & Cattery, Creeton Road, Little Bytham, Lincolnshire, NG33 4PX

10.0 Correspondence –

10.1 e-mail received from Mr R Scott re village flooding.

10.2 e-mail received from Mr S Brett re cleaning of War Grave at St Medards.

11.0 AOB

12.0 Date of next Meeting – Thursday the 5th of September 2024.

Website: https://little-bytham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/